


Do you have a blog?    你有博客吗?

This is her toy ship.    这是她的玩具

Why are you upset today?        你今天为什么心烦

May I use your pen?    我能用一下你的吗?

What is your belief?    你的信仰是什么?

I never ask this man for anything.    我从来没有要求过这个男人什么。

Can I pay by credit cards?    我能用信用卡付款吗?

I know this city well.    我对这个城市很熟悉。

Let me put the pork in the pan.    让我把猪肉放到平底锅里。

Max bites his lip.    麦克斯咬着嘴唇

I know the capital of Canada.    我知道加拿大的首都

This kid is sick.    这个小孩病了。

It is a very interesting family.    这是一个非常有趣的家庭

I received your letter yesterday.    我昨天收到你的了。

She is a very happy woman.    她是一个非常幸福的女人。

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